Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

Cheerleading is...

Cheerleading is a way of life, shared by a chosen few,
It is working as a unit in everything you do

Cheerleading is a rivalry, the competition makes you strong,
It is sharing secrets and tears, learning to get along

Cheerleading is that ongoing drive to be the very best,
It is patience, perseverance, and very little rest

Cheerleading is having poise and charm with every word you say,
It is total dedication twenty-four hours a day

It is always being ready with encouragement and a smile
Cheerleading is your chance to express your individual style

Cheerleading is reaching out to comfort a sister who is sad,
It is defending each other in good times and the bad

Cheerleaders are always there when someone asks,
They treasure the present moment and let go of the past

Cheerleading is a talent to be able to shine on cue
It is hiding the pain and anguish that if only half the people knew

Cheerleaders, after all, are real people that sometimes get down
but when they're in the spotlight, they must never put on a frown

Cheerleaders are actresses always ready to go
That is why it's important for all the world to know

Not every boy and girl can be a cheerleader, it takes a special kind
Cheerleaders are full of life and a little bit out of their mind.

Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010


Sebenernya resolusi gua di tahun 2010 in ada banyak buanget., tapi yang gua tulis sekarang adalah resolusi yang penting n harus terwujud. AMIN...

1. Ingin lebih taat beribadah sebagai hamba Allah SWT. Semoga di tahun ini sholat gua gak bolong lagi.
2. Pengen AKUR sama Bokap gua.
3. Laporan KP selesai & bisa sidang KP tanggal 14 Januari besok.
4. Proposal seminar selesai & seminar tanggal 20 Januari bisa berjalan dengan lancar.
5. Lancar nyusun skripsi. Skripsi gua HARUS selesai bulan MARET, trus bulan APRIL sidang skripsi, dan bulan AGUSTUS wisuda. AMIN...
6. Lulus kuliah langsung dapet kerja.
7. Insyaallah di tahun 2010 ini, gua langsung ngelanjutin kuliah S2 di Amerika.
8. Harus bisa backhandspring backtuck layout fulltwisting
9. Single base., cuppie one hand ngangkat ninoy.
11. STINGERS masuk final NCC.
12. STINGERS masuk 5 besar di final NCC.
13. Lulus IFC CLASS 1.
14. Jadi pelatih cheerleaders yang baik & bagus.
15. Badan gua tambah bagus, tambah keker, tambah berotot.
16. Percintaan gua bagus. Semoga hubungan gua dengan si "dia" bagus lancar2 aja.
17. Sukses dalam karir
18. Ikutan Indonesian Idol 2010, hihihi...
19. International Model
20. Pengen beli rumah sendiri, atau minimal beli apartemen komplit dengan isinya pake duit hasil kerja sendiri.
21. Pengen Backpacker keliling dunia.
22. Intinya di tahun 2010 ini, gua harus menjadi manusia yang lebih baik lagi dalam segala hal. dan semoga kesuksesan selalu menyertai kita semua. Amin.
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